Importance of Fire Safety Training

Importance of Fire Safety Training

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Knowledge that Saves Lives

What is Fire Safety Training?

Fire Safety Training is designed to equip you will all the basic skills and knowledge required in the event of a fire. It introduces you to fire safety precautions and fire evacuation procedures, as well as the risks associated with a fire. Fire Safety training is compulsory for all organisations, in order for your business to comply with government fire safety regulations. It can be carried out in-house, or by a reputable company or a small number of employees already trained would train the rest of a workforce. A Fire Safety Training course offers a mix of classroom-based learning and practical training experience to educate people on how to respond in the event of an emergency, how to use fire protection equipment (such as fire extinguishers), how different types of fire can start and the best ways to combat these fires.

Types of Courses Offered

There are a wide range of professional Fire Safety Training courses available, which cover the following topics:
  • Fire Extinguisher and Fire Awareness
  • Fire Warden and Fire Marshal Training
  • Fire Risk Assessment
  • Fire Safety Management
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Why is Fire Safety Training Important?

It is a legal requirement that all employees undergo basic fire safety training. The provision of Fire Safety Training teaches people how to identify a fire hazard, how to eliminate or reduce the risk of a fire and maintain a safe environment. With the knowledge that fire safety training provides, everyone can ensure the safety of themselves as well as others around them. Top 5 Benefits of Fire Safety Training
  • Saves lives
  • Prepares people what to do in event of a fire
  • Prevents risk of a Fire
  • Eliminates fire hazards
  • Reduces property getting damaged

Who is Responsible for Fire Safety Training?

The training must be carried out by a competent person with suitable and sufficient skills and knowledge of fire safety. Typically the employer, owner or occupier of a business premises is responsible for fire safety. Their role is to carry out or arrange a fire risk assessment, as well as implement and maintain appropriate and adequate fire safety measures to minimise the risk to life from fire. importance of fire safety training 3

The Importance of Fire Prevention

By implementing Fire Prevention measures, this minimises the risk of a fire. Fire causes devastation to businesses in Britain every year, of which 80% are estimated to never fully recover. Fire Prevention actions include fitting fire alarms and smoke alarms, provide fire safety training and having a fire assessment carried out. Fires where a smoke alarm was not present accounted for 25% of all dwelling fires in 2018. Fire Prevention is used to prepare people with what to do in the event of a fire. It helps to guide people to safety if there is a fire, as well as make others aware of the potential fire triggers. Fire Wardens are another important risk control measure. Their role is to ensure that the workplace is prepared should an emergency situation, like the event of a fire, occur.

Who can carry out Fire Safety Training?

The person responsible for Fire Safety in a business must provide staff information, fire safety instruction and training. Workers must receive the appropriate training on procedures they need to follow, such as fire drills. At least one fire drill should be carried out per year with results recorded because they need to be part of the Fire Safety and Evacuation Plan.

Where must Fire Safety Training be applied?

Fire safety training can be applied in the workplace as well as home. The knowledge fire safety training provides can easily translate from the workplace to our homes. A fire safety training course is offered in a few different arrangements, for example a school classroom and some other institutions. Fire safety training for staff is a legal requirement in the UK.

How often should businesses provide Fire Safety Training?

An initial Fire Safety Training course should be applied with induction training on the first day and continue regularly once updated. At least once a year it is important to provide refresher fire safety training sessions to make sure that everyone remains familiar with the fire safety plans for the workplace. It should be carried out more frequently, depending on the number of staff and people your business is responsible for.

What Fire Protection Services can Cooke & Bern offer your business?

Contact our professionals if you are interested in our Passive Fire stopping services. We can provide you a consultation with one of our professional passive fire team.   We deliver specialist passive fire stopping services for various sectors, including Commercial and Domestic buildings. Our expert team have dealt with a variety of projects for a wide range of high profile clients.