How do Fire Alarm Systems Work?

Being one of the most devastating events possible, Fire is one of the most dangerous types of natural event to occur anywhere. Somewhere in the world a fire is happening right now as you read this. In a controlled environment, Fire can be our friend. However, there is a fine line between being our friend and our worst enemy. Once a fire gets out of control, it will be destructive and will continue through a building causing mass damage. The smoke produced by a fire is indeed toxic and creates a very dangerous atmosphere. The rapid detection of a fire and its control can save thousands of lives, injuries and millions of pounds in repairs.
The detection of fire has advanced so much that you have smoke detectors that are quite often linked to life-safety systems. Automatic fire systems in commercial buildings are life-savers. With the fire-alarm system to detect an occurrence of a fire, alert the control panel, sound the alarm for people to evacuate, alert the authorities to send help. These systems have saved lives!